3 Types Of Fire-Fighting Equipment For Your Home

Having firefighting equipment on hand can make a huge difference when a fire breaks out. This equipment includes fire blankets, fire extinguishers and fire escape ladders. These items will help you fight the fire before it has the chance to spread.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are part of fire fighting equipment that can be used in many situations. Most extinguishers contain water that cools down the burning material and is an effective extinguishing agent against ordinary combustible fires. However, water-based extinguishers are not recommended for use on flammable liquids or energised electrical fires.

Fire extinguishers are available in many different sizes and types. Some are handheld, and others are cart-mounted. Handheld extinguishers are usually lightweight and easy to transport. On the other hand, cart-mounted extinguishers are usually quite large and heavy.

The types of fire extinguishers are classified according to the kind of fires they are intended to fight. Class A extinguishers are designed to fight fires involving general combustible material. Class B and Class C extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids and gases, respectively. You can use Class E fire extinguishers to combat fires involving electrical equipment.

Fire Blanket

If you're preparing to tackle a fire, consider using a fire blanket. Fire blankets are made from flame-resistant material that contains two layers of fibreglass fabric. This fabric has a fire-retardant inner layer, which helps to smother flames quickly. They are also non-toxic, which means they're safe for pets and children. They're also an excellent choice for fires involving grease, oil and gasoline.

Fire Escape Ladder

A fire escape ladder is a part of fire fighting equipment. It is a ladder that allows people to escape through an open window in case of a fire. A fire escape ladder can be made of steel or nylon and is designed to be lightweight and durable. There are several types of fire escape ladders on the market. One of the most common is the 'C'-shaped ladder, which is placed over a wall or sill of a window and then lowered to the ground. It features an extra wide hook that can easily connect to a window. The ladder's rungs are also reinforced with steel stabilisers to prevent swaying. The rungs are also fitted with a distance piece, which keeps them from touching the wall and gives users a firm foothold.

For more info and advice, contact a local fire equipment supplier today.
